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Top 5 Signs You Need a Comprehensive Eye Exam

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Regular eye exams are essential for maintaining good vision and overall eye health. However, many people overlook the importance of these check-ups, often because they are unsure when to see an eye care professional. Though we recommend a yearly exam, it’s important to note certain signs that indicate you may need to come in for an eye exam more often. Below, our Lake Oswego optometric team at Cascadia Eye Care outlines our top five signs that you should request an eye exam immediately.

Recognizing When You Need a Vision Assessment

1. Frequent Vision Headaches

Headaches can be a sign of several health issues, including some which can severely affect your vision and eye health. If you experience frequent headaches, especially after prolonged reading, computer work, or other close-up tasks, it may be due to eye strain or an undiagnosed vision issue. Eye strain can occur when your eyes work too hard to focus, leading to discomfort and headaches. An eye exam can diagnose whether your headaches stem from vision problems and if you need corrective lenses or other treatments.

2. Blurred Vision

Blurred vision is a common symptom that you should not ignore. It can indicate refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. We can easily correct these with glasses or contact lenses. Blurred vision can also indicate more serious conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, or age-related macular degeneration.

If you notice that your vision is not as clear as it used to be or if objects appear fuzzy or out of focus, request an eye exam.

3. Difficulty Seeing at Night

Night vision problems, such as difficulty seeing in low-light conditions or experiencing glare from oncoming headlights while driving, can be another sign that you need an eye exam. This issue could be due to several factors, including cataracts, vitamin A deficiency, or other eye conditions that affect your ability to see well in the dark. An eye care professional can diagnose the cause of your night vision problems and recommend appropriate treatments.

4. Eye Fatigue or Strain

If you frequently rub your eyes or experience eye fatigue after reading, working on a computer, or watching TV, it could be a sign that you need an eye exam. Eye fatigue can result from uncorrected vision problems, spending long hours on digital devices, or poor lighting conditions. A comprehensive eye exam can identify the underlying cause of your eye strain. It can help you find solutions to reduce discomfort, such as computer glasses or adjustments to your workspace.

5. Changes in Vision or Eye Appearance

Any sudden changes in your vision or the appearance of your eyes should prompt an immediate visit to an eye care professional. This includes symptoms like seeing flashes of light, floaters, double vision, or a sudden loss of vision. Changes in your eyes' appearance, such as redness, swelling, or discharge, can also indicate an underlying issue you must address. These symptoms can indicate serious conditions like retinal detachment, infections, or inflammatory diseases that require prompt treatment.

Prioritize Your Vision Health Today

Regular eye exams are crucial for maintaining long-term eye health and preventing vision problems. If you experience any of the signs mentioned above, requesting a comprehensive eye exam with our team is essential. Early detection and treatment of vision issues can significantly improve your quality of life and help you maintain healthy vision for years to come.